What is Morgalad?
Morgalad is a tabletop role playing game set in a pre-medieval era in a world of high fantasy. Inspired by old school fantasy role playing games Morgalad offers an alternative approach to the fantasy setting. With a new unique combat and magick system, Morgalad offers the old school high fantasy charm with a more narrative flair.
Mechanically, Morgalad uses a dice pool system comprised of D6, based upon a characters skill, level, and attributes. Character points are obtained as your character progresses and these points are utilized to grant you extra dice and bonuses in certain pools. Armor in this setting does not just make you harder to hit armor can also be used to absorb a percentage of the damage that would otherwise be inflicted upon your character during combat.
Your character is built by choosing a base species and applying a professional template upon it. With over 100+ species in the creature compendium, and 50+ abilities available to each profession, each player has the ability to customize their character to be unlike any other.
One book to encompass everything; Player's Guide, Host's Guide, and Creature Compendium, all within one cover at a cheaper price than any of the big name competitors.
This game is meant to offer the fans of this genre an open ended alternative with no level caps and endless customization; and unlike many other games out today there will be no new editions so the fans don't have to worry about supporting a product just to be thrown under the bus every few years like many other systems do. Every year a new expansion will be released encompassing new levels, abilities, species, creatures, and professions.