Friday, May 29, 2015

Game Room Etiquette (Host's Rules)

    Last week I released the players etiquette list that covered player - host interactions. This week it is time for the players to get their revenge with a list of their own. Here is my take on host etiquette as pertaining to host - player interactions to ensure that your host is fair and relatively easy to get along with. Next week we will be covering player - player interactions. And as always these etiquette rules can be purchased as posters by following the link below the graphic.
    As Host's we play the part of Dungeon Master, Game Master, Storyteller, and Referee. While many hats are worn on this side of the screen we must also remember the first rule is for everyone to have fun. Often times we become so enamored with the intricacies of our own wit and clever plot lines that we can fall victim to our creativity and begin to see our players as nothing more then mere plot devices to progress our parables. Whenever this state of mind takes hold we should learn to recognize it and remedy it quickly before ruining the afternoons entertainment for everyone else. Here are a few guidelines to help recognize when you are overstepping your bounds as a host and to help remedy this.

Posters can be purchased here: http://www.cafepress.com/mcnabbgames

1. Do not interrupt a players turn or narrative.
2. Share the spotlight- allow each player a 
    chance for their character to have their own 
    moment of glory.
3. Leave the outside world elsewhere, do not bring negativity to the table.
4. Do not tell players how they should play their character.
    TTRPGs are about players collectively storytelling not pawns 
    for your plot-line.
5. No railroading- despite how much glee you may feel while 
    attempting to vanquish players characters they 
    do not share your enthusiasm in that situation.
6. If you dont know a rule make a decision and move on
    dont waste time and break immersion just to flip through
    handbooks for 15 minutes for some obscure ruling that 
    states Tiamat can crap diamonds.
7. Implement the "yes and then" method - 
    allow players to be creative don't just 
    crush their attempts because it goes off 
    from your story.
8. No hoarding the sandbox- Allow characters to
    affect the storyline. Don't get upset because the fighter
    found a creative way to dismantle your big baddie in one 
9. Ensure your puzzles make sense, if the basis of a poison trap
    is that 1+1=3 no one is going to figure that out until well after
   everyone is tired of attempting it and frustrated over it.
10. If using a homebrew setting tell players before playing, 
      nothing brings a game to a screeching halt like 4 players 
      re-rolling characters because you deemed swords don't 
      exist in your fantasy world.

Core Rulebook Update & Open Game day

Many of our backers have been receiving their starter books for the Morgalad Fantasy RPG. Inside it is a letter similar to the one posted below. The reasons behind this is that while we are near completion of the Core Rulebook we do not want to release it just to meet a deadline. We want to finish it completely and make sure that what our supporters receive is the absolute best of our abilities. I understand that with delays comes frustration and I thank everyone for their patience. To show our thanks for being such awesome and understanding supporters everyone is receiving something extra from our product line. Regardless of what tier you backed at everyone is receiving something extra. The Core Rulebook will be shipped out within the next quarter, which is to say the 3rd qtr of 2015, and I just wanted to say thank you again for making this game a reality. Subsequently I would also like to announce an open game on saturday May 30th 2015 at 11:30am CST for everyone interested, you can join the game for Saturday by following this link
                                              : https://app.roll20.net/join/672223/ChFMcw

Hoping all is well,
John R.L. McNabb

Monday, May 25, 2015

Creature of the Week - Adlet

Art by Darius Molotokas


The adlet, also known as humanis lupus, is a part canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of the dynastic region surrounding Corolempierre. These creatures are believed to be the result of an ancestors botched curse that was cast upon a werewolf in mid transformation.
Physical Observations
Adlets appear as having the head and torso of humans with the legs and waste of a canine. They range in height with adult males growing in excess of six to eight feet tall and weighing in excess of 200 to 380 pounds. The Adlet has a howl similar to a wolf and communicate with others through a guttural growling language. Their average life span is about 15 to 25 years.
Social Observations
Adlets are a social creature the basic social unit consists of a mated pair accompanied by the pairs adult offspring the average pack consists of a family of 5-11 adlets; 1-2 adults, 3-6 juveniles, and 2-3 younglings or sometimes 2 or 3 such families with exceptionally large packs consisting of 42 adlets have been known to occur.
Behavioral Observations
Adlets are highly territorial and generally establish territories far larger than they require to survive in order to assure a steady supply of prey. Territory size depends on the amount of prey available and the age of the packs members. Adlets defend territories from others through a combination of scent marking, direct attacks, and howling. Adlets are monogamous with mated pairs usually remaining together for life. An alpha will usually wait alongside the pact to protect them and send out an Omega to test the power of any who cross into their territory. If the Omega is defeated then the Alpha along with various other members of the pack will attack together in a collective effort to defend their territory.
Inter Species Observations
Adlets cannot be tamed though some have been recorded to learn the common tongue and even communicate and interact with certain other species on very rare occasions. They're exceptionally crude, very ill mannered, and reflect their wild nature even in the most civilized societies which often leads to trouble.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Game Room Etiquette (Players Rules)

Too often we become so invested in our characters and try to find every possible way to prove our cleverness by utilizing the rules to increase our chances of survival rather than simply accepting the repercussions that the DM, GM, or Host imparts on our characters. There is nothing wrong with having a vested interest in your character. However, one should not cross the line into meta gaming and rules lawyering as this detracts from the entertainment and breaks the immersion we strive for in theater of the mind game play. Through my 15+ years as a dungeon master and player I've compiled a list of simple game room rules I've so aptly titled Game Room Etiquette. This is part 1 of a 2 part series covering standards that once posted in our game room increased the quality and entertainment value of our sessions.

1. Be on time- if you cannot arrive on time
     give at least 24 hours notice.
2. Do not interrupt the host’s narrative.
3.  Leave the outside world off the table.
4. Put phone/electronics on vibrate.
5. No backseat game mastering- you are 
     not the game master or host and they 
     do not require your help managing the 
     game they have put together.
6. Don’t quote rules to the host- unless 
     otherwise asked to do so.
7. Dice rolls do not count until the host 
     asks for one.
8. All dice must be rolled in clear view of 
9. No meta gaming- any and all out of 
     character knowledge is  unaccessible 
     in character.
10.Non Carpe GM - do not attempt to 
     play as player vs the host. The game 
     master is an impartial referee that is 
     present for the purpose of maintaining 
     the average operations in the world that 
     you explore

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Morgalad Kickstarter Rewards Shipped.

The paperback version of the Morgalad Starter Book ships out today.PDFs and hardbacks coming later this week. Core Rulebooks to follow.