Monday, June 8, 2015

Creature of the Week - Alphyn

Artwork by Gaspar Sabater
Introduction - Alphyn are deceptively cunning. They are a magickal beast who take delight in collecting treasure, despite their intellect they lack an understanding of monetary values so a copper penny is worth just as much as a gold piece. To an alphyn treasure is treasure usually referred to as "shinies". As a species alphyn were created by the magi, Halyphan, as a means to collect funds and keep him entertained with their constant riddles.
Physical Observations - It is much like a tiger, but stockier and with tufts of hair covering its body, and also has a thick mane and long thin tongue. Another notable characteristic is its knotted tail similar to that of the griffin. It has a dragon's talons on its forelegs, while the hind legs are cloven like a goat's. An adaptable, generalist species, they are found in most types of habitatsAdult females are around 7.9 ft. long nose-to-tail and males average 6.7 ft., with overall ranges between 4.9 to 9.0 ft. nose to tail suggested for the species in general. Females typically weigh 115 to 220 lb., averaging 137 lb. Males typically weigh between 64 and 141 lb., averaging 93 lb. Life expectancy in the wild is reported at 18 to 23 years, and averages 16 to 20. 
Social Observations Secretive and largely solitary by nature, the alphyn is properly considered both nocturnal and crepuscular, although sightings during daylight hours do occur. Only fathers and cubs live in groups, with adults meeting only to mate. 
Behavioral Observations - Alphyn have a manic enthusiasm similar to wanderlust. They are secretive and solitary and when encountered can be dangerous as elevated irritability is common along with behavior that seems on the surface to be the opposite of most wild animals
Inter Species Observations -Alphyn can be relatively civilized while they are planning what to do with their prey. The wail of the alphyn is known as a harbinger of war to superstitious peoples. Alphyn ranges rarely overlap with areas inhabited by humans. Attacks on humans are very rare, as prey recognition is a learned behavior and they do not generally recognize humans as prey. Their curiosity can satiate their lust for treasure and often they will abandon monetary gains if a person can outwit them at a game of riddles. They usually protect areas wherein those that have earned their respect reside.

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