Sunday, June 28, 2015

New site design

Good day lords and ladies, we have a new site design. So swing by www.Morgalad.com for all the new updates and features. Included in the new site design is a rotating feed from our forums, a interactive chat for the community, and a cross platform store. Coming soon is a new solo adventure platform and new adventures.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Creature of the Week - Yeti

Artwork by: Noemi Konkoly
Introduction - The Yeti reside mostly in the frozen caves of the high mountain ranges. However, they are also seen on the frozen tundras when food is most plentiful. Their actual origins are a mystery, leading to much speculation. Theories range from a sub-branch of evolution to experiments by mages to create a hearty warrior well suited for winter combat. Local villages celebrate the Yeti as a divine being, the spirit of the mountain given tangible form.
Physical Observations - Yeti are massive bipedal humanoids that stand between 7'6”-9” feet tall, and can live to be 20 years old. They weigh in at 200-400 pounds of dense muscle, with a protective fat deposit over their necks and vital organs. They are omnivorous, though they favor a diet of meat. They have short curving claws and long canines designed to grab and hold frozen flesh. They also use these natural weapons to cut through the thick fur and blubber of their prey. Their feet are larger than a man's, but they are much broader to distribute their weight over loose snow. Yeti have long white hair to protect them from the elements. Their blue skin has only been observed by survivors. They communicate with a series of whistles and growls. Locals claim that the sound of a shrill winter wind is actually a Yeti's scream.
Social Observations - Yeti typically live in tribes of 3-5 members and their young. Tribes work together in all aspects of life from hunting to rearing young. Extremely violent or cruel yeti are cast out. These loners are the ones most likely to attack settlements or camps unprovoked.
Behavioral Observations – Nocturnal and with excellent night vision, they have a rudimentary skill with tools. They sometimes use large stones as weapons and to smash bones for the marrow. Favoring stealth in hunting, they use their white hair to blend in with their surroundings.
Inter Species Observations - Yeti typically avoid human contact, unless desperate or provoked. On very rare occasion they are seen hunting together with large wolves. Most creatures are seen as a food source. Attempts to tame and domesticate the Yeti have met with disastrous results, including death and massive collateral damage. In attempts to breed them as battle-stock they were as likely to turn on their trainers as their targets. Owning a Yeti is largely outlawed in civilized regions, though they are occasionally used in illegal gladiator rings in the frozen regions.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dungeon & Dice Crypt Cards

Today we are happy to officially announce the release of a new product, called Dungeon & Dice Crypt Cards. These cards are printed on a standard sized poker deck. They serve as a full set of randomized dungeon geomorphic tiles that come in handy with world and map generation. Also they come equipped with a full polyhedral set of dice printed just above the geomorphic image so the cards can act as a completely randomized dice roll to help maximize space for small gaming tables and are perfect for those wanting to game on the go without having to worry about loosing their dice in the car seats. These cards also have the full poker suite printed on them so at the end of the dungeon you can relax by playing a simple card game to help divide the spoils of your adventure. These cards are available for just $9.99 usd per set with $2.99 S&H for customers inside the U.S.  So Grab your pack of Dungeon & Dice Crypt Cards today!
Available at: Drivethrurpg
"A busy day is a good day, A quiet day is a good day for adventure." ~ J.R.L. McNabb

Monday, June 15, 2015

Creature of the Week - Arunai

Artwork by: Loneanimator
Introduction - Many who pass onto the next life leave the material plane behind never to
return again. The greatest heroes are rarely given a choice upon the time of their death to pass on to the next life or to act as guardians of the cosmos. Those who choose the path of the protector become the Arunai. Arunai often wander the world in forms common to the area fulfilling the desires of the forces of good. Arunai are very judgmental and irritated by evil beings and behavior such as greed, undead, etc.
Physical Observations - The Arunai have no defined appearance, although according to mythology, they are most likely to look like humans in their original forms, but in larger height. The Arunai are a shape-shifting race and can mold themselves into many shapes and sizes. It is commonly believed that their favored appearance is either a Tall Bipedal Eagle-like Avian, a bipedal Crocodile-looking Reptile or most commonly a Tall Humanoid.
Social Observations – It is believed that the first arunai, who were wholly celestial in nature, were sent to the earth to teach man and as such the oldest language in the world is derived from the arunai's own common tongue.
Behavioral Observations - Arunai are protectors and teachers who have watched man grow throughout all the ages of this world and continue to do so while they fend off extra dimensional evils.
Inter Species Observations -Arunai cannot be tamed, they serve their deities and work to protect the material realm from the unseen threats that hide on the outer reaches of the ethereal dimensions.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Creature of the Week - Alphyn

Artwork by Gaspar Sabater
Introduction - Alphyn are deceptively cunning. They are a magickal beast who take delight in collecting treasure, despite their intellect they lack an understanding of monetary values so a copper penny is worth just as much as a gold piece. To an alphyn treasure is treasure usually referred to as "shinies". As a species alphyn were created by the magi, Halyphan, as a means to collect funds and keep him entertained with their constant riddles.
Physical Observations - It is much like a tiger, but stockier and with tufts of hair covering its body, and also has a thick mane and long thin tongue. Another notable characteristic is its knotted tail similar to that of the griffin. It has a dragon's talons on its forelegs, while the hind legs are cloven like a goat's. An adaptable, generalist species, they are found in most types of habitatsAdult females are around 7.9 ft. long nose-to-tail and males average 6.7 ft., with overall ranges between 4.9 to 9.0 ft. nose to tail suggested for the species in general. Females typically weigh 115 to 220 lb., averaging 137 lb. Males typically weigh between 64 and 141 lb., averaging 93 lb. Life expectancy in the wild is reported at 18 to 23 years, and averages 16 to 20. 
Social Observations Secretive and largely solitary by nature, the alphyn is properly considered both nocturnal and crepuscular, although sightings during daylight hours do occur. Only fathers and cubs live in groups, with adults meeting only to mate. 
Behavioral Observations - Alphyn have a manic enthusiasm similar to wanderlust. They are secretive and solitary and when encountered can be dangerous as elevated irritability is common along with behavior that seems on the surface to be the opposite of most wild animals
Inter Species Observations -Alphyn can be relatively civilized while they are planning what to do with their prey. The wail of the alphyn is known as a harbinger of war to superstitious peoples. Alphyn ranges rarely overlap with areas inhabited by humans. Attacks on humans are very rare, as prey recognition is a learned behavior and they do not generally recognize humans as prey. Their curiosity can satiate their lust for treasure and often they will abandon monetary gains if a person can outwit them at a game of riddles. They usually protect areas wherein those that have earned their respect reside.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Game Room Etiquette (player to player)

In our quest to better understand and acclimate better mannerisms to improve the atmosphere of our games we have looked over player rules towards the host, host rules towards their players; and today, to conclude this 3 part discussion we will finish with player to player etiquette.
Posters available here: http://www.cafepress.com/mcnabbgames.1603015698
1. Do not interrupt another players turn or narrative.
2. Do not tell another player how to play their
3. Do not hover over other players
4. Leave the world elsewhere do not bring negativity
    to the table.
5. Do not break character during narrative.
6. This is not a singles bar. No unwanted advances!!
7. Personal hygiene must be unobtrusive &
8. Don't hog the table all you need is one set of
    dice, a character sheet, a writing utensil, and
    a notebook.
9. Don't hog the narrative, share the spotlight
    with other players.
10. No rules lawyers do not quote rules to others
      unless asked to do so
11. Do not mooch; contribute to the narrative,
      gameplay, activities & concessions.
12. Be patient and wait your turn.
13. Practice good sportsmanship do not pout,
      gloat or whine.
14. Clean up after yourself, if you mess it up clean
      it up.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Creature of the Week - Akki

Artwork by Noemi Konkoly

Akki are one of the dark creatures bred from the last known primordial pools and chasms. They inhabit large, permanent water bodies, such as swamps,ponds, and lakes, where they are usually found along the water's edge.
Physical Observations
Akki are hideous gigantic creatures with sharp claws wild hair and long horns growing from their heads. They average in sizes larger than trolls and the younglings can commonly be between 8 & 12 feet tall, with the adults growing in excess of 13 to 14 feet tall and weighing well over 1200 lbs. They are wanderers and can often be noticed from miles away by the vibrating resonance of low hums and gurgles they use to commune with one another. Maximum lifespan is normally between 8-10 years.
Social Observations
As akki are bred from primordial pools they are not often pack creatures and grouping happens rarely if ever. The only recorded instances of a grouping of akki are usually observed with one slightly more intelligent akki manipulating two or three younger and less experienced ones.
Behavioral Observations
Akki are short tempered and greedy creatures that use their size to manipulate and bully anything in their path. As they stay near water they are predominately found around bridges, crossings, and things of that nature where they exploit local travelers for any goods they may have, at the same time they may choose to ignore the goods of a traveler and just eat them all together.
Inter Species Observations
Akki cannot be tamed though some reports have claimed that certain magical items have the ability to manipulate them into following basic orders, however this has not been confirmed as of yet. They do not get along with any other creature whatsoever and they are not allowed within any civilized society as they usually attack weaker creatures on sight.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Game Room Etiquette (Host's Rules)

    Last week I released the players etiquette list that covered player - host interactions. This week it is time for the players to get their revenge with a list of their own. Here is my take on host etiquette as pertaining to host - player interactions to ensure that your host is fair and relatively easy to get along with. Next week we will be covering player - player interactions. And as always these etiquette rules can be purchased as posters by following the link below the graphic.
    As Host's we play the part of Dungeon Master, Game Master, Storyteller, and Referee. While many hats are worn on this side of the screen we must also remember the first rule is for everyone to have fun. Often times we become so enamored with the intricacies of our own wit and clever plot lines that we can fall victim to our creativity and begin to see our players as nothing more then mere plot devices to progress our parables. Whenever this state of mind takes hold we should learn to recognize it and remedy it quickly before ruining the afternoons entertainment for everyone else. Here are a few guidelines to help recognize when you are overstepping your bounds as a host and to help remedy this.

Posters can be purchased here: http://www.cafepress.com/mcnabbgames

1. Do not interrupt a players turn or narrative.
2. Share the spotlight- allow each player a 
    chance for their character to have their own 
    moment of glory.
3. Leave the outside world elsewhere, do not bring negativity to the table.
4. Do not tell players how they should play their character.
    TTRPGs are about players collectively storytelling not pawns 
    for your plot-line.
5. No railroading- despite how much glee you may feel while 
    attempting to vanquish players characters they 
    do not share your enthusiasm in that situation.
6. If you dont know a rule make a decision and move on
    dont waste time and break immersion just to flip through
    handbooks for 15 minutes for some obscure ruling that 
    states Tiamat can crap diamonds.
7. Implement the "yes and then" method - 
    allow players to be creative don't just 
    crush their attempts because it goes off 
    from your story.
8. No hoarding the sandbox- Allow characters to
    affect the storyline. Don't get upset because the fighter
    found a creative way to dismantle your big baddie in one 
9. Ensure your puzzles make sense, if the basis of a poison trap
    is that 1+1=3 no one is going to figure that out until well after
   everyone is tired of attempting it and frustrated over it.
10. If using a homebrew setting tell players before playing, 
      nothing brings a game to a screeching halt like 4 players 
      re-rolling characters because you deemed swords don't 
      exist in your fantasy world.

Core Rulebook Update & Open Game day

Many of our backers have been receiving their starter books for the Morgalad Fantasy RPG. Inside it is a letter similar to the one posted below. The reasons behind this is that while we are near completion of the Core Rulebook we do not want to release it just to meet a deadline. We want to finish it completely and make sure that what our supporters receive is the absolute best of our abilities. I understand that with delays comes frustration and I thank everyone for their patience. To show our thanks for being such awesome and understanding supporters everyone is receiving something extra from our product line. Regardless of what tier you backed at everyone is receiving something extra. The Core Rulebook will be shipped out within the next quarter, which is to say the 3rd qtr of 2015, and I just wanted to say thank you again for making this game a reality. Subsequently I would also like to announce an open game on saturday May 30th 2015 at 11:30am CST for everyone interested, you can join the game for Saturday by following this link
                                              : https://app.roll20.net/join/672223/ChFMcw

Hoping all is well,
John R.L. McNabb

Monday, May 25, 2015

Creature of the Week - Adlet

Art by Darius Molotokas


The adlet, also known as humanis lupus, is a part canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of the dynastic region surrounding Corolempierre. These creatures are believed to be the result of an ancestors botched curse that was cast upon a werewolf in mid transformation.
Physical Observations
Adlets appear as having the head and torso of humans with the legs and waste of a canine. They range in height with adult males growing in excess of six to eight feet tall and weighing in excess of 200 to 380 pounds. The Adlet has a howl similar to a wolf and communicate with others through a guttural growling language. Their average life span is about 15 to 25 years.
Social Observations
Adlets are a social creature the basic social unit consists of a mated pair accompanied by the pairs adult offspring the average pack consists of a family of 5-11 adlets; 1-2 adults, 3-6 juveniles, and 2-3 younglings or sometimes 2 or 3 such families with exceptionally large packs consisting of 42 adlets have been known to occur.
Behavioral Observations
Adlets are highly territorial and generally establish territories far larger than they require to survive in order to assure a steady supply of prey. Territory size depends on the amount of prey available and the age of the packs members. Adlets defend territories from others through a combination of scent marking, direct attacks, and howling. Adlets are monogamous with mated pairs usually remaining together for life. An alpha will usually wait alongside the pact to protect them and send out an Omega to test the power of any who cross into their territory. If the Omega is defeated then the Alpha along with various other members of the pack will attack together in a collective effort to defend their territory.
Inter Species Observations
Adlets cannot be tamed though some have been recorded to learn the common tongue and even communicate and interact with certain other species on very rare occasions. They're exceptionally crude, very ill mannered, and reflect their wild nature even in the most civilized societies which often leads to trouble.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Game Room Etiquette (Players Rules)

Too often we become so invested in our characters and try to find every possible way to prove our cleverness by utilizing the rules to increase our chances of survival rather than simply accepting the repercussions that the DM, GM, or Host imparts on our characters. There is nothing wrong with having a vested interest in your character. However, one should not cross the line into meta gaming and rules lawyering as this detracts from the entertainment and breaks the immersion we strive for in theater of the mind game play. Through my 15+ years as a dungeon master and player I've compiled a list of simple game room rules I've so aptly titled Game Room Etiquette. This is part 1 of a 2 part series covering standards that once posted in our game room increased the quality and entertainment value of our sessions.

1. Be on time- if you cannot arrive on time
     give at least 24 hours notice.
2. Do not interrupt the host’s narrative.
3.  Leave the outside world off the table.
4. Put phone/electronics on vibrate.
5. No backseat game mastering- you are 
     not the game master or host and they 
     do not require your help managing the 
     game they have put together.
6. Don’t quote rules to the host- unless 
     otherwise asked to do so.
7. Dice rolls do not count until the host 
     asks for one.
8. All dice must be rolled in clear view of 
9. No meta gaming- any and all out of 
     character knowledge is  unaccessible 
     in character.
10.Non Carpe GM - do not attempt to 
     play as player vs the host. The game 
     master is an impartial referee that is 
     present for the purpose of maintaining 
     the average operations in the world that 
     you explore

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Morgalad Kickstarter Rewards Shipped.

The paperback version of the Morgalad Starter Book ships out today.PDFs and hardbacks coming later this week. Core Rulebooks to follow.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

D6 Disaster Relief Bundle

Following the disaster in Nepal, Morgalad Fantasy RPG will be offering a bundle available now until the end of May to help aid disaster relief by contributing a portion of all proceeds to dec.org.uk and doctors without borders.
The Morgalad Bundle can be found here: http://drivethrurpg.com/product/148547/The-Sigil-Saves-BUNDLE . So pick up a new tabletop game along with other print and play accessories and help support disaster relief.
JRL McNabb

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Morgalad Fantasy Starter Book, now available as pdf.

Hello everyone, the Morgalad Fantasy RPG Starter book is now available through drivethrurpg for $9.95 it includes 8 pregenerated characters, 2  unique adventures (1 solo, and 1 group), along with an easy to learn setting in the port side city of Losloth.

JRL McNabb

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Current Setting

Losloth endured difficult relations with its local neighbors, especially dwarves of the nearby bronze hills. Tension between the settlers and the natives became so troublesome a notice was hung over the east gate of the city. This bye-law forbade any dwarf unrestricted access into Losloth, stating "Neither O' nor Mac shall strutte nor swagger through the streets of Losloth without permission." As time passed by the tension between the settlers and the natives has all but faded, save for the occasional rude guard who may request papers of intent from visiting natives, and the humans of Losloth have established a decent trade relationship with the dwarves of the bronze hills. Every summer the dwarves bring tools to the Port City and in return every fall Losloth sends food from the years harvest as payment in return.
The town was originally part of an expedition to create a shorter trade port between the kingdom of Almast, on the northern area of the continent of Lor, and Santorn, an illustrious kingdom along the western shores of the continent of Nuin. While not as lucrative an operation as originally thought, Losloth occasionally has visitors stopping along the trade way bartering goods and riches in exchange for a short rest before heading on to their destination. 
However, although Losloth may be a good rest point between the kingdoms, its close proximity to the wildlands urges most ships to pass it by completely and brave the long ocean path. The inhabitants of the town are plain and simple folk and the community works collectively with the majority spending all of their time developing the local agriculture.

What is Morgalad?

What is Morgalad?
Morgalad is a tabletop role playing game set in a pre-medieval era in a world of high fantasy. Inspired by old school fantasy role playing games Morgalad offers an alternative approach to the fantasy setting. With a new unique combat and magick system, Morgalad offers the old school high fantasy charm with a more narrative flair.

Mechanically, Morgalad uses a dice pool system comprised of D6, based upon a characters skill, level, and attributes. Character points are obtained as your character progresses and these points are utilized to grant you extra dice and bonuses in certain pools. Armor in this setting does not just make you harder to hit armor can also be used to absorb a percentage of the damage that would otherwise be inflicted upon your character during combat.
Your character is built by choosing a base species and applying a professional template upon it. With over 100+ species in the creature compendium, and 50+ abilities available to each profession, each player has the ability to customize their character to be unlike any other.
One book to encompass everything; Player's Guide, Host's Guide, and Creature Compendium, all within one cover at a cheaper price than any of the big name competitors.
 This game is meant to offer the fans of this genre an open ended alternative with no level caps and endless customization; and unlike many other games out today there will be no new editions so the fans don't have to worry about supporting a product just to be thrown under the bus every few years like many other systems do. Every year a new expansion will be released encompassing new levels, abilities, species, creatures, and professions. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Morgalad Starter Book Available Today!

Get your copy of the Morgalad Starter Book today from the store at www.morgalad.com
Explore a Realm of Might and Magic

The Morgalad Starter Book is your first tome, crafted to help guide you on the first steps of your journey into the unique and limitless world known as Terramydia. A quest begins at the small harbor town known as Losloth Port. Enter the realm as a brave warrior, a mystical magi, a wise priest, or a cunning rogue. Here you’ll find one book to encompass everything; Player's Guide, Host's Guide, and Creature Compendium, all within one cover. Everything you need to journey the limitless halls of adventure lies within. The only limitation is your own imagination.
The Morgalad Fantasy Role-Playing Game Starter Book
- Characters : 8 Pregenerated Characters ready to play.
- Basic Rules : The basic rules to introduce you to Morgalad.
- Adventures : 2 Exciting basic adventures.

Morgalad is a tabletop role playing game set in a pre-medieval era in a world of high fantasy. Morgalad offers an alternative approach to the fantasy setting. With a new unique combat and magick system, Morgalad offers the old school high fantasy charm with a more narrative flair.